Okay, so I'm finally going to sit down and (attempt to) do this crazy list of 100 things. Thanks Natalie and Stephanie!
1. I love God and am proud to be a Christian.
2. I love my husband and am thankful every day for him.
3. I love my children more than I ever thought possible.
4. I love being a stay at home mom, and I hope I never forget what a blessing it is.
5. I am already wondering how I'm going to get to 100.
6. I am not tagging anyone once I finish this.
7. My favorite show this summer was So You Think You Can Dance.
8. I can NOT dance.
9. I didn't want Sabra to win.
10. I love taking naps with Maggie.
11. I wish I had taken more naps with Will when he was this age, but I heard you were only supposed to let them sleep in their own bed.
12. I have been married almost 5 years.
13. We had lived in three different houses by our fourth anniversary.
14. Surprisingly, I do not love to move.
15. I get bored easily, but I don't really like change. I guess that explains numbers 13 and 14.
16. I will laugh at almost anything.
17. I'm way way way too gullible.
18. I've become more of a people pleaser than I used to be.
19. I love having a big backyard and lots of huge trees.
20. Spring is my favorite season. That's right, not summer.
21. I'm probably too sensitive and I get my feelings hurt easily.
22. I love Grey's Anatomy, but I thought last season was depressing.
23. I live less than a mile from where I grew up.
24. My parents still live there.
25. There are four generations of my family at our church.
26. I love being a speech pathologist and miss working sometimes.
27. This is my first year to keep a plant alive longer than a month.
27. I started the summer with about 5 times the plants I currently have alive.
28. I grew tomatoes this year and they were really good!
29. I love amusement parks and the beach.
30. I love to travel.
31. Going to HUF was one of the best experiences of my life.
32. I wish I had done a scrapbook when I remembered all the details better.
33. Of all the places I went while I was there, I still liked Florence the best!
34. I have been to 48 of the states (Alaska and something else are missing), Mexico, Canada, Jamaica, and 12 European countries.
35. I would still like to go to Australia and Tahiti.
36. I have no desire to go to Asia for some reason.
37. I'm more of a homebody now than I used to be.
38. I'm a morning person.
39. I love to take pictures, but I wish I did scrapbooking better.
40. I love Mexican food.
41. I love Red Lobster, but don't really like seafood. They just have the best biscuits and salads!
42. I would rather go to a sporting event than a movie or a concert.
43. I like college football more than professional.
44. I love the Dallas Mavericks but I wish they didn't choke every year.
45. I used to think going to a baseball game was really boring, but taking Will to a Ranger game earlier this year was so much fun!
46. I can't wait for the Super Bowl to be in Arlington in a few years.
47. I love Diet Coke, but only from a can.
48. I love anything chocolate and don't understand what people mean when they say something's too sweet.
49. I am very sentimental.
50. I'm also a packrat. Is that two words?
51. It bothers me when people confuse "they're" with "their" and "there".
52. I don't own an I Pod and wouldn't know what to do with it if I did.
53. I wish I was better at keeping in touch with people.
54. I love to read, but don't do it enough.
55. I'm not very good with time management.
56. I love to make lists.
57. I really love marking things off that list!
58. I love pedicures, but not manicures.
59. I always thought our Suburban was too big growing up and now I drive one.
60. I love to shop.
61. I cannot leave Target without spending at least a hundred dollars, even if all I needed when I went in was diapers.
62. I love, love, love finding good deals.
63. I will buy things I don't need if it's a really good deal and feel good about it.
64. My husband does not understand the theory that if you save 20 dollars on something, that means you get to spend it on something else.
65. I like living in an older house, but am having trouble adjusting to less storage. See number 50.
75. Did anyone notice I just skipped 66-74?
76. I'm not going back.
77. Will has the funniest laugh I've ever heard.
78. Maggie has the biggest smile.
79. I hope they're best friends as they grow up.
80. I love that my sister is my best friend.
81. I'm excited for my brother to move this weekend-right down the street.
82. I have been pregnant or nursing for over three years!
83. I am a really good baker, but I always under bake desserts on purpose.
84. I love to make pancakes with Will. He is so funny cracking the eggs and it doesn't matter that very little actually makes it into the batter.
85. Both my pregnancies were pretty much the same, but my children could not be more different as babies.
86. I love to dress Maggie in pink everyday.
87. I love that I can keep up with people through blogging.
88. Two of my best friends are girls I've known since I was born.
89. I have two dogs.
90. I found a new crafty side of me when I was pregnant with Maggie.
91. One of my favorite trips pre-children was going to the Rose Bowl game with Eric when Texas played Michigan.
92. I'm obsessed with Ebay!
93. I try everyday to be a good role model for my children.
94. I think Eric is the best dad there is.
95. I love giving gifts and seeing someone's face when they open something I picked out especially for them.
96. I can't wait for this Christmas because it may be the first one Will gets really into and it will be Maggie's first overall!
97. A goal without a plan is just a wish.
98. I say the serenity prayer about a hundred times a day.
99. I'm not sure it's working.
100. I wish more of my friends would keep blogs!
As promised, I am not tagging anyone. Thanks for reading!