I guess she thought that baby should be sharing her pacifier!

She couldn't have anything to eat or drink before the surgery, and for Maggie, two hours awake with no milk or oatmeal is WAY too long! I was worried when she started pulling out plates and cups.

I just thought this picture was cute. Look at that sad little sock that was too small! She was more upset that they wouldn't let her wear her sandals!

She carried this baby and carseat all morning. She actually took her own baby doll with her and the nurse put a little hospital tag on her ankle too.
Maggie had tubes put in her ears this past Saturday. I know ear tubes are not major surgery, but anytime your baby is taken away and put under anesthesia, it can be traumatizing. It really made me thankful that we were only there for such a minor procedure. We had to leave the house around 5 that morning and that was a little early for all of us! They called us back to start the meds around 7:15, and the first thing they do is some kind of "happy juice" to relax them. I remember with Will that after just a couple of minutes he was VERY relaxed and when the nurse came to take him from me, he just went without any fuss at all. Now Maggie is a tad attached to her mama (slight understatement maybe), but I wasn't really worried because Will was pretty attached at this age too. When the nurse came to get her, she was still clinging onto me, and although she initially went to him, she quickly changed her mind. They ushered Eric and I out of this room and into a hallway, where I can hear her crying "MOMMY" and then see her wheeled out on a giant hospital bed. She was sitting up in the middle of it crying for me. I knew they should have given her two squirts of that happy juice! Eric and I made it down the hallway, got a diet coke, sat down on a couch in the waiting room, and the surgeon was out to tell us she was finished. He said there was lots of fluid in both ears. Poor thing. After a few more minutes, they brought us to recovery where I immediately saw Maggie with a different nurse across the room and could tell she was still asleep. But yes, she was still crying for her mommy. It was really sad. I held her and tried to get her to drink something, but the poor little girl's head was bobbing up and down and she couldn't get her eyes to stay open. I always have pretty strong reactions to medicine, so I guess she gets that from me. They let us go after about 15 more minutes and we were back home by 8:30. She slept from then until 2, then back down about 7:30 that evening until this morning. She still has a slight fever that comes and goes, but they told us to expect that. Other than that, she should be good as new (or better) by tomorrow.
Okay, other than that we've been keeping busy with swimming lessons for both kids. Will is doing pretty well; he can swim with a life jacket on by himself if you don't tell him you're not holding on. Once he figures out he's on his own, he panicks. Maggie did not like swim lessons, which surprised me, but we'll try again tomorrow. Eric's been out of town for a week so I think I'll give him a shot at it now! We also went back to Six Flags. I've been promising Will forever that I'd take him and his friend Allie Grace. Usually Eric or some other adult is with me, but I thought I could do it on my own this time. The only problem we ran into is that little legs have a hard time making it all the way around and through the park. Both the kids were about to pass out by the time we made it back to the truck! But we had a great time anyway and maybe that will tide them over until it gets a little cooler.
Hope everyone has a great week!